Chair Person - Lorraine Primrose
Co-Chair - George M. Sistrunk
The purpose of the Bayne Street Project Ad Hoc Committee is to find, identify, implement, develop and expand income opportunities that anyone can take advantage of on or off the Internet. Our goal is to increase the average monthly income and/or savings or a combiantion of both for any participant from $100.00 to $500.00 a month. In this blog post, you will discover:
1. The Purpose Of Bayne Street's Blog
2. Why We Organized As An Ad Hoc Committee
3. What Is An Ad Hoc Committee?
4. The Purpose Of An Ad Hoc Committee
5. Why Establish An Ad Hoc Committee
6. Establishing The Bayne Street Neighbor Helping Neighbor Ad Hoc Committee
7. The First Official Meeting
8. Minutes Of The Meeting
9. Blog Format, Additional Needs That Can Be Met, The Beginning, Changes, Alterations To The Format & Moving Forward, Unexpected Delays
The purpose of Bayne Street's Blog is to let anyone see how people can come together and organize themselves to accomplish common goals and objectives, For the first time, anyone can see behind the scenes how decisions are made, how problems are handled. Key players and minor players, the people out front and how they got there. We have done this so any group of individuals in the "Free World" can come together, organize themselves, solve common problems and improve their lives and communities by working together.
We have chosen to organize as an Ad Hoc Committee because anyone can organize a group of people for a specific purpose. The Committee, even though informal, serves as an organizing platform from which expertise can be obtained and information, ideas and concepts can be discussed and disseminated in an orderly professional manner. In addition, anyone can join and participate as long as he/she is of legal age in the State of South Carolina, his/her/their State and/or country and can conduct himself/herself/themselves in an intelligent manner.
Definition of Ad Hoc
Ad hoc is a Latin phrase which means "for this purpose". It generally signifies a solution that has been custom designed for a specific problem, it is non-generalizable, and cannot be adapted to other purposes. Examples include a tailor-made suit, a handcrafted network protocol or a purpose-specific equation. Ad hoc can also have connotations of an improvised event. Other derivates of the Latin include AdHoc, adhoc and ad-hoc.
An Ad Hoc Committee is one that is formed to deal with a particular issue, and disbanded after the issue is resolved. These committees provide stop gap or temporary measures to solve problems that are not resolved by ordinary processes. The GATT, (The General Agreement on Trariffs and Trade) for example, was controlled by an Ad Hoc committee before the WTO (World Trade Organization) was established. Since, helping families cope with the rising cost of living in America and abroad is an ongoing problem, Bayne Street and similar Committees will be around for a long time.
December 1-12, 2007 update
The reason you want to establish an Ad Hoc Committee is because there are no laws anywhere in the "Free World" that prevent citizens from coming together for a specific purpose. There are no laws anywhere that regulate Ad Hoc Committees because it is not an entity. It has no legal status, business or otherwise.
An Ad Hoc Committee is not an association, club or organization. It is not non profit, nor is it for profit. It will not have a bank account, phone number or business address. Members will meet at each other's homes, in churches, lodges or in any facility; public or private, that can or will accommodate the Committee if an Ad Hoc Committee ever decides to hold regular meetings after their first initial meeting.
Assuming you have more than one person that begins the organizational process, there are no officers; other than the Chair and/or Co-chair. Participation is strictly voluntary; as well as, any work or organizing Committee members might do or perform in the community. In addition as an Ad Hoc committee, participants can acquire expert advice from qualified professionals and receive this advice as a community service.
December 13-31, 2007
After weeks of discussion between Lorraine Primrose and George Sistrunk, the Bayne Street Project Ad Hoc Committee met on December 13, 2007 at the Huddle House Restaurant, located at 1046 John C Calhoun Drive in Orangeburg, South Carolina, to officially establish Bayne Street as a working Ad Hoc Committee. An Agenda was written by George Sistrunk and given to Lorraine Primrose.
Our memo looked liked the following:
First Official Meeting
Huddle House Restaurant
Calhoun Drive
Orangeburg, SC 29115
Date: December 13, 2007
Lorraine Primrose
Lee Orr
George M Sistrunk
1. To formally establish The Bayne Street Project Ad Hoc Committee as a functional, expeditious and effective means by which we can organize ourselves, others and income producing activities for this purpose; which is to increase our income, save money or both by a minimum of $100.00 to $500.00 per month.
2. To formally declare Lorraine Primrose as Chair and George Sistrunk as Co-chair.
3. To discuss ways and means by which we can accomplish our objectives.
4. To examine our online activities so that we can become effective researchers and investigators into income producing activities that will not only benefit us, but our families and hundreds of others.
5. To critically examine current ventures for explosive growth and expansion potential.
I: Call to Order
II: Invocation or Prayer
III: Open Meeting
A. Old Business
B. New Business
1. Formally declare Lorraine Primrose as Chair and George Sistrunk as Co-chair.
2. Open meeting for formal discussions of current income producing ventures advantages and disadvantages.
IV: Close Meeting
V: Benedicition
The minutes of this meeting and future meetings will be summarized to save time, space and to reduce unnecessary repetition. The participants at the first meeting of The Bayne Street Project Ad Hoc Committee were Lorraine Primrose, Lee Orr and George Sistrunk. It was moved by George Sistrunk and seconded by Lorraine Primrose that the meeting be officially called to order at 7:30 p.m. EST.
The floor was opened for any old business and new business. George Sistrunk moved that Lorraine Primrose be declared Chair person and he be declared Co-chair. It was second by Lee Orr and the vote was unanimous without dissent.
Special notation: When your Ad Hoc Committee begins it may be with only one or two people.
During the meeting, the follow issues were discussed and agreed upon:
1. To focus our efforts on finding opportunities that have broad appeal; rather than specific appeal. Broad appeal means an opportunity and/or program almost anyone can participate in.
2. Obey, conform to and be in compliance with any local, state, national and/or international law. This means and includes no spamming and unlawful solicitation.
3. Operate and conduct ourselves with absolute honesty and integrity. This means no hyping, misleading information, omitting relevant facts and complete transparency.
4. Have only one standard - Excellence - in everything we say and do.
5. Establish a blog that will detail our efforts, so any group of people can follow and duplicate our efforts.
We also agreed:
1. 95% to 98% of all income opportunities on the Internet are either junk programs or bogus programs that are not worth our time or effort.
2. The current ventures we are involved in are not strong enough to have explosive growth or maximum appeal, even though, individually, they are good opportunities.
3. Our primary opportunity must be able to operate effectively online and off.
4. Not to throw away contacts. Any email bounce back will be kept if there is a physical address and phone number.
5. To utilize postcards and standard mail rather than rely solely or primarily on electronic mail.
6. The problem is not with networking and sponsoring, it is with the networkers and sponsorers.
7. To limit our research to U.S. based companies because many income opportunities that originate in foreign countries are illegal in America.
8. To divide our online research alphabetically; with Lorraine researching companies from A-L and George researching companies from M-Z.
In addition, we agreed to keep the following programs as supplemental income opportunities until our primary opportunity has been discovered. Links will be added in the menu section. You will find links to the right of blog entries. These non-competing business interest create income streams from a few cents to a few hundred dollars.
1. InBoxDollars & SendEarnings - The reason - Everyone that signs up gets paid $5.00 & $3.00 respectively. Plus, if you must read your emails, get paid while doing it.
2. MyPowerMall - The reason - If you must shop online, get paid.
3. Free Card Matrix - The reason - If you must do business (buying, selling or paying) online - do not jeopardize your personal or business bank accounts. Establish another account for this purpose. Plus, you get paid for every referral.
4. Global Domains, Inc. - The reason - If you want or need a website - get paid for having and maintaining one.
5. G.R.N.S. - The reason - If you must take a vacation, do it at the lowest possible price and the highest possible quality for your money and still get paid. (removed because of company changes - o4/15/08)
6. VMC Satellite - The reason: If you are switching from cable, become an affiliate and earn $110.00 on your own system and $110.00 for every installed referral.
7. Hits4Pay (added 02/26/08) - The reason - Commercial email comes to your email address all the time, you might as well get paid to read it.
Finally, we agreed to meet again when we have found a company/ies that meet our primarily guideline of mass appeal with a useful product and/or service. The meeting was closed and ended with a benediction.
Click Here To See The Bayne Street Computer Special
It has been discussed with Madame Chair to limit posting to Bayne Street's blog during it's early inception. The reason for this discussion is to maintain the original chronology of events and activities so any group can follow the timeline and sequence. This original post will be updated in its current format until the opportunity/ies are discovered and operational guidelines are established.
It was discussed with Madame Chair to examine ways and means to save families money in the following areas because saving money is virtually the same as earning additional income.
There are companies that have the technology to:
1. Lower Fuel or gasoline cost from 8% to 10%
2. Reduce home electric bills by 25%
3. Cut grocery bills from 5% - 10%
4. Slash phone bills from 12% - 25%.
5. Provide online or ISP (Internet Service Provider) services and you still get paid.
February 1-15, 2008
The Beginning
During the weeks of February 1st - 15th, 2008, it was discussed and agreed to begin the Bayne Project by the end of February. Madame Chair suggested we start with the programs we have and build from this point. She came to this decision because after months of searching the Internet and reviewing income programs, none really meet our needs. Eventually, we will find or create the income program we need.
Madame Chair also suggested changes to the flyer. We will remove the answering service and put her number there. Also, the flyer will target those people in our immediate neighborhood with computers. The reason for this change is because we don't have an offline program that has mass appeal and is something anyone can do. We don't want 2 ups or binary marketing formats.
We also decided how we will organize community participation. We will work with groups of ten. This is an important break through because GDI (Global Domains. Inc.) maximizes income and provides an infinity bonus for any independent contractor that can maintain 10 active representatives on his/her first and second levels.
In further discussions with Madame Chair, it was to agreed to add Hits4Pay to our list of online income sources for Bayne Street. Because of Bayne Street's structure, it is extremely important that all participants operate and conduct their personal life and business enterprises with absolute integrity and honesty. It is the only way for a non entity without formal rules and regulations to succeed and survive.
Click Here To See The Bayne Street Computer Special
It was discussed and agreed to by Madame Chair, that Bayne Street has an Information Blog and a an enrollment blog or signup page that will be linked to Bayne Street. It was also agreed to remove all sales, marketing and/or business related links from Bayne Street and move them over to Bayne Street Information or to the new signup page. These projects were started and completed during this time period.
It was discussed and agreed to by Madame Chair to begin work on Bayne Street's flyer. The preliminary flyer was completed and added to Bayne Street Information. The flyer has Madam Chair's phone number on it rather than Bayne Street's 24/7 voice mail. Since the vast majority of income programs are online, it was agreed to limited initial focus and community contact to people with Internet access,
During this time period, Almenia Hussey, recommended Black Planet as a good place to begin expanding our venue for contacting others about setting up similar committees in their communities. George checked it out, joined and has made a number of contacts, but they are still on a personal level, rather than professional level. You can click on Black Planet to review his page. A target date of March 1, 2008 was established to begin Bayne Street operations.
It was agreed to and decided to contact people that were known to have an interest in 6 figure incomes to become the original starting 10 of Bayne Street. These 10 would work with all the others and help them build and grow their individual Ad Hoc Committees. It was also agreed to ad member websites and/or blogs to Bayne Street's navigation links; as well as, any public service announcements.
George decided to contact the people that helped him build Unity International, Inc into a $50,000,000 corporation. He would contact Edward C. Graham, LaVerne Washington, Otis Harrison and Dorothy Waymer-Snider - the former President of Unity, Inc.. From Independent Marketing, he would contact Tanya Williams - Original board member and Ken McClellan a close friend and IMG.Ws Associate.
Since Alpha Jose was already with him in other online programs, he would automatically be included as one Bayne Street's starting 10. Madame Chair would contact Linda Kaartinen. A press release was also discussed and agreed to that would be written by George Sistrunk and present to Madame Chair prior to March 1, 2008. During the interim period, the Bayne Street concept would be developed, improved and Madame Chair would continue researching the Internet for compatible programs and/or income opportunties.
March 1-15, 2008
During the first week of March, Bayne Street experiened unexpected delays. Otis Harrison and LaVerne Washington still had not been contacted and the agreement for the coupon service still had not been finalized. The coupon service would be a major part of Bayne Street because with it, families could save up to $25.00 a week or more on groceries. During the week, Almenia Hussey was added to the list of the original 10 Bayne Street participants.
It was also discussed and agreed to delay Bayne Street's start until the original 10 had their links on the Enrollment Blog. The telephone response still needed evaluation for accuracy and effectiveness and Otis Harrison still had not had an opportunity to review Bayne Street's operational concepts.
Otis Harrison is an important indivudual because he has been apart of every major community or economic movement in Orangeburg. Therefore, getting his evaluation was a top priority. Plus, he keeps his finger on the psychological pulse of Orangeburg. He can tell you candidly whether an idea will fly or crash with uncanny accuracy.
Click Here To See The Bayne Street Computer Special